LaRoux ( pronounced La-Rue) , is named after our founders’ younger sister and nana. We are a body and home fragrance brand dedicated to creating accessible, clean, and user-centered products centering women and girls. Through our intentionally-made products, we are reimagining the beauty industry as one that is purpose-driven, clean and inclusive across market segments & categories.

Your purchases go way beyond “just buying a candle… or a perfume”— its a contribution. A portion of the sales from each product will go towards programs and organizations that fight for the betterment of Black and Brown women and girls.  We are blending social good with fragrance, a category that we all love, to drive impact— In other words, we create products with purpose.

At the end of the day, our vision is simple, we dream of a world where women across generations, have a deeper connection to themselves, to their communities and to the world.


A Note from the Founder:

“Luxury shouldn’t be a price point but, a feeling and intention. We shouldn’t have to compromise beauty, culture or things that are better for us, for anything”.


Heyy, I am Tyshaia. After working at a perfumery in Italy, I fell in love with the creation and world of fragrances and the way that they could transform you, your energy and your space. But, I noticed two thing: (1) quality fragrance products were inaccessible to many and were left to be sought out as a luxury (2) Black and Brown folk were often left out of the thoughts and messaging of most labels .

I believe quality beauty products should be more accessible. I believe more brands should speak to and center women that look like me. And, I also believe, luxury shouldn’t be a price point but, a feeling and intention. Really, we shouldn’t have to compromise beauty, culture or things that are better for us, for anything.

This is why, after a random dream during the pandemic, LaRoux was born.